We are all familiar with using coupons for fast food, groceries and various other purchases but many people do not think of taking advantage of hosting coupons. These are coupons that you use to get a discount on web hosting or related site design or promotion services. Every Web site needs to have a server on which to place files, install databases and fulfill browser requests. If a person is in the market for a new web host, they examine the features and per month costs but tend to over look the various Web Hosting Coupons that are available. That is like leaving money on the table.
Using hosting coupons is even easier than using standard coupons for say groceries because they last so much longer and contain higher discounts. It is not uncommon to see Hosting Coupons that do not expire for 2 or 3 months and some will be available for years. When you sign up for your hosting account, you are usually restricted to only using one of them at a time. They are very simple to use and most hosting coupons only require you to input the proper code during the signup process.
Web hosting is a growing industry and the increased competition means greater savings for the consumer. I have seen hosting coupons that give 50 percent off of your first few months of service or even an entire year free. Many times the larger savings will require you to enter a contract for a certain amount of time but if the website will be long term then the savings are worth being locked in. There are a few things that you should be watchful for when using Hosting Coupons. Some providers will have their pricing plans and Web Hosting Coupons use months in their pricing estimates. That is fine if they will be charging you by the month but some hosts will require the full yearly price upon the first payment. If you are not aware of the terms of the contract then you could be out a lot of money, when you were expecting to pay it off gradually.
Web hosting coupons, promos and coupon codes can sometimes include deals on domain registration as well but you must not get that confused with your web hosting. They are completely different animals. When you sign up for hosting you are essentially renting space on the web for your website to inhabit and be seen. When you register a domain, you are buying a name for your website, usually for one year. That allows someone typing in yoursite.com to go directly to your site and no one else can use that name. One of the most popular hosting coupons to use is the ones that allow a free domain registration with sign up. If you would like to research hosting coupons, then here is a great place to start.
Available Hosting Coupons
In the meantime, these represent a sampling of cheap hosting coupon codes for some of the most popular hosting companies:
- HostGator: 25% Off – HGCOUPON25
- Lunarpages: 15% off all 12+ months shared plans – click
- IX Web Hosting: 10% Off – SECRET-LINK
- Green Geeks: 25% Off Any Annual Hosting – clickfire
- ClickHOST: 25% Off – CLAIM25
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