Are you finished Christmas shopping yet? Are you frantically looking for the best deals on gifts so you can stretch your shopping money farther? If so, then perhaps you will relate to the thoughts in Coupon Claim’s 2011 poem parody. Following the form of the classic song, Jolly ol’ St. Nicholas, Coupon Claim is happy to present this year’s offering, Happy at the Checkout Line. We hope you enjoy it!
Happy at the Checkout Line
Happy at the checkout line
Have you lost your mind?
Rushing here and going there
Searching for great finds.
Christmas day is coming soon
Now tell me, if you can,
What are the best ways to save?
What should I have in hand?
The first thing that you should do
Is checkout gifts online.
Not only can you find great deals
But you can save some time.
Check out sites like Coupon Claim
Where coupon codes abound,
From Toys – R- Us to Karmaloop
Great savings can be found.
Colin wants a Kinect Sports,
Leigh wants an iPhone 4,
Austin wants a DSi
With Starbox 64.
After all the shopping’s done
We will pass the test.
All the gifts got rave reviews
And the saving was the best!
If you enjoyed this and want to see another Christmas Poem, take a few minutes to read last year’s parody The Week Before Christmas.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, full happy memories, fun family gatherings and, of course, rich in savings!