Coupon Claim News – January 27, 2011

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Do you have a favorite way to spend your free time?  Perhaps it's hiking along wooded  trails and birdwatching or maybe you like to curl up with a good book and immerse yourself in fantasy, history or a quest for knowledge. Whatever it is, having a hobby that helps you unwind is as an important part of life as is saving money! So, if you can combine saving money with your hobbies, it's even better! Here are a few coupons and tips to help you do just that!

Coupons for this week:
From video games to movies, Coupon Claim's Entertainment coupons have much to choose from. If you are looking for fun and  ways to save money, check out our selection!
If you love to read, then take a few minutes to peruse our selection of books and magazine coupons. From Barnes & Nobles to Amazon, there are always new boks and authors to discover.
With Spring in the not too distant future, many people are already planning their gardens and warm weather projects. Check out the home and garden coupons so you can save money on those must have items.

Shallow Pocket Tips:
Keeping in theme with crafting, here are are some tips for saving money on hobbies.
•   If you love to read, but hate spending the money for the books, then check out these 2 sites where reading cost less- which is similar to Netflix or which allows you to swap books with other readers for the cost of S&H.
•  Do you like to do puzzles or decapauge? Rather than spending money on Mod Podge, combine 2 parts Tacky Glue to 1 part  water and use instead.
•  Save money on kid's crafts while helping them learn a new skill by taking advantage of the Saturday classes offered at Home Depot. Cost is minimal to free and participants  learn how to do woodwork, paint and other great skills.
•  Do you love to learn about space? Contact NASA in Houston, Texas and they will send you brochures, posters, and many other great items sure to delight and inspire.
If you would like to share some of you favorite tips for saving money on household products, easy and inexpensive meals, ways to make household jobs easier and much more with us, you can post them to our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you! 

If you haven't read our recent posts, be sure to take some to visit the weekly Coupon Claim blog post. In addition, be sure to visit Coupon Claim on Facebook. We would love to hear from you!
Wishing you all the best,

–Mo and Z

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