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Labor Day has come and gone, so for many of us, summer is officially over. Of course, that doesn’t have to mean that the days of picnics and barbeques are gone until next year. Rather, it just means we have to be creative in event planning. However, as summer comes to close, there is much to be said of the savvy shopper. After all, this is the best time of the year to pick up patio sets , next year’s summer clothes and other backyard décor—in fact, these items and other similar purchases can come in handy in getting a jump start on your Christmas shopping. So to help, here are some great savings opportunities from Coupon Claim.
This Week's Savings from Coupon Claim:
Eager to get a good night’s sleep? Check out this deal! 70% Off Memory Foam Mattress Topper from Silentnight
Still have a summer project to finish? Take advantage of the extended Labor Day Sale at Lowe's! 15% off Energy Star qualified appliances over $397!
Want to add some color to your yard? Then check out these savings codes from Brecks: Save $25 on orders of $50 using the code: 0730531
With summer drawing to an end, comes football! So, if you are a sports fan, be sure to check out the great savings available at Football Fanatics—where you will find great products and gift ideas for all the sports lovers in your family.
Have your own business and want to give a boost now that the hustle and bustle of summer vacations and camp are behind you. Then check out the many web hosting coupons and savings available at Coupon Claim. No matter what size your company you are sure to find a host perfect for your needs.
Freebies of the Week:
Do you love to watch movies? Then try out these great codes for getting Free movies at Redbox: DVDONME, BREAKROOM, DVDATWAG (works at Walgreen locations only), 5X5QMZT, or DVDKROG (works at Kroger, King Soopers, and City Market locations only)
Just because summer is coming to end, doesn’t mean fun at the ice cream parlor has to stop. Use the coupon here to get a free ice cream at ColdStone Creamery with the purchase of a cone.
Get coupons, free samples and much more when you sign up for the Proctor and Gamble newsletter. Fill out the registration form on the P&G site.
Shallow Pocket Tips:

Saving money is important and we are always looking for ways to make the most of our hard earned paychecks. So, as summer comes to an end, here are 10 ways to save money.
- Swap your land line phone service to Internet phone. You will spend less and get more features for free than you can imagine. Check out site like Internet Phone Guide to decide what is best for you.
- Choose the right size; pots that are too big take more time to heat thus using more energy. Turn off the oven few minutes before the actual time. Residual heat will continue the cooking process but not use the energy.
- If your office offers lunchtime seminars, sign up for them as they typically provide lunch as part of the event. Not only will you learn something new, but not have to pay for lunch as well.
- Be sure that the back of your refrigerator is at least 1 inch from the wall as this allows for better circulation of the air and control the temperature better.
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. They may cost a bit more initially, but they last longer and use 2/3 less energy.
- Take your vehicles in for regular tune-ups or maintenance checks. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Check out icarumba.com to look for local shops and determine where you can find the best prices.
- See if your area has a “salvage” grocery store. These stores carry the same name brand food items as your grocery store. However, because the cans or boxes were dented during shipping, the national stores won’t take them. These salvage stores can result in huge savings!
- Find out if a local church is a hub for Angel Food (see Angelfood.com). For as little as $31 you can purchase foo for a family of 4 for a week. There are also packages that cost as much as $61 but have a large variety of foods as well as specialty packs designed for people with food allergies, those wanting healthy snacks and convenience food packages that start as low as $16.
- Still have some summer projects to finish (or perhaps start)? Get doors, windows, lumber and many other home project materials at your local ReStore. You will save money and what you spend will help support families in your community as sales made here go to support Habitat for Humanity.
- Buy perennials in the fall, most nurseries put them on sale for 50% off.
At Coupon Claim, we want to help you save money wherever and whenever possible. That is why we scour the Web to find the latest and best deals for saving money. Of course, if you have any money saving tips, ideas, jokes, recipes or even questions, we would love to for you to share them with us here or at Coupon Claim on Facebook . In addition, if you haven't read our recent posts, be sure to take some to visit the weekly Coupon Claim blog post.
Wishing you all the best,
–Mo and Z