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Summertime is just a few weeks away. And, for parents of school-aged children, it can’t get here soon enough. After all summer means no more homework and no more teachers conferences! Just time to enjoy life—at least when you aren’t at work ?. Yes! So, to add some extra savings to this time for pleasure and family fun, check out this week’s deals and savings.
This week's Savings from Coupon Claim:
Check out Freenapkin.com to get everything from gas grills to furniture, pets to fire wood all free for the taking. Just type in your state and start looking. You will be amazed at what people will give away!
Want to relax in style and comfort this summer? Check out the sales at Brookstone, You can get as much as $30 off depending on which code you choose to use. Also, get free shipping on any order over $99 when you use the code SHIP99
Shallow Pocket Tips
Summer can still be busy-even if you are not dealing with school projects. Here are an assortment of ways to save money on every day activities and needs.

•Make Tuesdays or Wednesdays your “dining out day” as many restaurants offer special prices or “kids eat free” on these days. Pizza Hut, Quiznos, Dennys, and IHOP are just a few examples. Other daily deals a can be found at Kids Meal Deals or Foodelz?
•Sign up for free samples from companies like Proctor & Gamble, Kellogg’s, SE Johnson, Unilever and others. You will be surprised at what they will send you! Also, check out sites like womeanfreebies.com.
•When travelling where the start and end dates of a trip are negotiable, opt for flights that are not on the weekend as these will cost less.
•Looking for inexpensive hobbies, games, and attractions in your area? Sign up for CoolSavings.com to get the latest in printable coupons for stores like Barnes and Nobles, JC Penny, Best Buy and many others. Just print out the coupons and watch your savings add up!
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Wishing you all the best,
—Mo and Z