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Springtime is a time of new life. It is a time when plants are poking their buds and new growth out of the ground, bird's nest are alive with the chirping of their young and the kids are making plans for their soon to arrive summer vacation. And, while babies are born every day, it often seems like there are more baby showers during the Spring time than any time of the year. So, whether you are soon to be a parent, have some baby showers to attend or simply want to update your youngster's wardrobe, here are some Springtime savings just for the kids.
This week's Savings from Coupon Claim:
Save $1 on Pamper's Thick Wipes. Just fill out the form to receive your coupon by mail. You can also join the Pamper's Gifts to Grow club and get news of savings and coupons.
Save 10% at The Children's Place with the code: WA78 or 15% off with the code: x3dwmvev5c
Shallow Pocket Tips

- Shop at consignment stores for clothing, toys and other items. Not only will you get great prices, but you can often exchange your children's gently used items for store credit.
- Spending time with your children is important and it doesn't have to cost anything more than time. An afternoon at the park, a story read at bedtime, making a batch of brownies are worth more to your kids than the most expensive toy on the shelf. Remember, love is spelled TIME not TOYS.
- Teach your kids the value of couponing and saving money. This is a skill that will benefit them for life.
- Have a child who struggles to get their room picked up? Try telling them (1 at a time) each job that needs to done. Rather than a generic, clean your room, say pick up the blocks and put them away, pick up the clothes and put them in the drawer, etc… While these steps may seem obvious to an adult, they are so plain to a child.
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Wishing you all the best,
–Mo and Z